ROCtheShot 2 on 1 Mentoring Sessions

Our goal is to help you build a stronger business and become a better photographer.
Mentor sessions cater to your needs, so whether you're just starting out and need help learning the ins and outs of photography basics (shooting in manual mode) or you're kicking your business into high gear and want to chat about pricing, marketing, editing, workflow...whatever! two-on-one workshops are for you.
We've found that mentor sessions are a great way to make supportive connections and to gather inspiration to push yourself as a photographer and business owner.
Sample topics include:
Photography Basics - shooting in manual mode, understanding the exposure triangle, equipment basics
Looking for Light
Editing and Workflow
Client Interaction
Finding *your* Ideal Clients
Shooting, Posing and Style
Pricing your Photography Business
Social Media
Ask us Anything!